2 research outputs found

    Lateral Evasive Maneuver with Shared Control Algorithm: A Simulator Study

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    Shared control algorithms have emerged as a promising approach for enabling real-time driver automated system cooperation in automated vehicles. These algorithms allow human drivers to actively participate in the driving process while receiving continuous assistance from the automated system in specific scenarios. However, despite the theoretical benefits being analyzed in various works, further demonstrations of the effectiveness and user acceptance of these approaches in real-world scenarios are required due to the involvement of the human driver in the control loop. Given this perspective, this paper presents and analyzes the results of a simulator-based study conducted to evaluate a shared control algorithm for a critical lateral maneuver. The maneuver involves the automated system helping to avoid an oncoming motorcycle that enters the vehicle’s lane. The study’s goal is to assess the algorithm’s performance, safety, and user acceptance within this specific scenario. For this purpose, objective measures, such as collision avoidance and lane departure prevention, as well as subjective measures related to the driver’s sense of safety and comfort are studied. In addition, three levels of assistance (gentle, intermediate, and aggressive) are tested in two driver state conditions (focused and distracted). The findings have important implications for the development and execution of shared control algorithms, paving the way for their incorporation into actual vehicles.This research is supported by the EU Commission HADRIAN project. HADRIAN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875597. The publication is supported by the EU Commission Aware2All project, under grant agreement No 97878

    Diseño y configuración de puesto docente de proceso rotativo

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    [ES]En este trabajo de fin de grado (TFG) se realiza la puesta en marcha de un puesto de proceso rotativo del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática (DISA) de la UPV. Este puesto pretende simular procesos industriales de alta velocidad monitorizados mediante sensores de alta precisión. El trabajo consistirá en configurar cada uno de los elementos constituyentes del puesto y en desarrollar nuevas vías para futuros proyectos relacionados. Posteriormente, se utilizará como puesto docente para impartir seminarios de sensorización en la misma universidad.[EN]this project consists of the installation and start up of a rotatory process machine. This machine simulates a high speed industrial process, controlled with high accuracy sensors. In order to carry out this project each device of the machine will be configured and developments for future related projects will be included. Finally, this machine will be used for laboratory practices in the University of the Basque Country, with the purpose of strengthening the practical knowledge of the students.[EU]Gradu amaierako lan hau prozesu birakari baten ezarpenari dagokio. Postu honen helburua abiadura handiko prozesu industriala simulatzea da. Horretarako, zehaztasun handiko sentsorizazio sistema erabiltzen du. Lanaren gakoa lana osatzen duten gailu guztien konfigurazioa da. Gainera, proiektu honetan oinarrituta etorkizunerako hobejuntzak ere proposatuko dira. Azkenik, makina hau irakaskuntza postu modura erabiliko da Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean, Automatikako laborategietan. Hau ikasleen jakintza praktikoarentzat bultzada handia suposatuko du, sentsorizazioaren munduan